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Monday, January 4, 2010

nobody comes here anymore ):

but its all my fault for always not updating it. hahah :S anyways, its been rather sad for me when fly went to Malacca, i'm like constantly waiting to hear that familiar ding dong from my handphone, even when someone elses handphone that uses the same ringtone rang, it will make me excited for that 1/20 of a second. lol most people will just say we shouldn't be so sticky to each other :S but i dont think so.. (: HAHAHAHAHAH okay i'm getting a little mad..

oh yea, i've got work now.. its at aranda country club at downtown east, come visit me i won't give you a discount if you do :D

time and time again~ ):

jumps 6:47 PM;

Saturday, December 5, 2009

It is always very hard to get started on studying, but after reading those words, it was so much easier :D

Heyhey my examszzz are just next week!!! so yea it will be a very boring week ): will post a proper post soon :D

jumps 4:35 PM;

Monday, November 2, 2009

Hello! I am a super fat pig! >:

Hhahahahaha okayokay i am not Quek!
Shall not tell you who i am, just guess only.
Hmm. Post about what ah???!

Kkay nvm i vehhh bored, i show you all something kay :D

Okay i just wait to get killed only.
Hahahahahhaa BYE! ;*

jumps 8:48 PM;

Sunday, September 27, 2009

i'm back. ignore the previous post, I had forgotten all about that day already, hahah.

school vacations are always boring because i can't seem to find things to do in the day except sleeping.

I still need to work to get that 600dollars I need to fulfill my dream, damn.

so about yesterday, we went to giant to shop! I didn't exactly buy anything, just walk around while Pearlyn gets her sushi ingredient. oh ya I bought freddo with Hakim, do you know whats freddo? Its some chocolate shaped as a frog filled with sweet stuff, which is something like caramel. ate 1 and forgot to take the rest at sp2. It is super sweet and nice la! econ used to sell them at 1dollar for 1.

operationsneakbabyflyout again, lepak the whole night away. hahahah had quite a fun morning (;

and so I shall go to bed now and hopefully I wouldn't wake too late ;D

jumps 10:19 AM;

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


heehee Hafiz borrowed jason's dad lorry. In the front seat there is the driver Hafiz, Navigator Hakim and Min. At the back there is Azri, Desmond, Me, Keith, Faiz, Agus, Ruben and jason.

I met them under Hakim's block and then we went to simei to pick Ruben up. First up, we went to henderson's wave. Its this cool placewith nice ambience that is quite high up and have many lepak-ing people. Supposed to get some downhill action with some small little bike we stolen but the bike did not even manage to survive 5 mins of ruben's trashing. so we lepak there awhile then we went off.

next stop was NTU,

i going out now, continue another day. hahahah

jumps 1:43 AM;

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

my heart smiles.

jumps 2:55 AM;

Monday, August 31, 2009

I cant sleepppp.

hmm baby been sneaking out for the past two days! I'm so happy. So I been staying out late till the sun rises. It has been so long since I last watch the sunrise and breathe fresh morning air!

and yea, my holidays started already so I should start looking for a job again, working at fish sucks. please let me pass my math this time. I am still not ready for ns yet. I do not want to waste my 2 years of effort in this course. I've studied hard, turns out, the paper is harder.

Alvinbek and anthony came up with the idea of being really good students next semester. we have to attend all lectures, not be late for class, always sit in front in the classroom, be very enthusiastic about learning, ask when in doubt, self-revision once a week in the library. yea you get the idea. and I really dont mind man, sick and tired of all those last min project chionging and all.

hahah and I'm still having cravings for sushi!! It started after baby let me eat the ebiko she bought. and this calls for a buffet at nihon mura, which i believe, only then my cravings will be satisfy. hahahahahah free flow of sashimi!!!!!!!!!!!! and eveything on the menu!!!! so guys, please start saving your money.

my father and sister just booked a holiday to korea. It is going to be the first time the whole family goes for a vacation. but i'm not really excited about it, maybe not yet. despite the fact that I had never been on a plane or anywhere further than Johor! and Its going to be during my 2weeks holidays in december, not sure whether is it going to be fun but I'm sure that i am definitely going to miss baby like crazy! :/

okay I'm feeling sleepyy now, tomorrow still have to wake up early to visit my secondary school teachers. and I can see you tomorrow!!!!! YAY!

jumps 2:59 AM;

Friday, August 28, 2009

damn, I was suppose to take a short nap from 6.30 to 7.00. I just woke up. FUCK!!!!!! and now I cant sleep and i am so damn hungry.

AND I MISS BABYYY SOOOO MUCH NOW!! imissyouimissyouimissyou

jumps 2:51 AM;

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

hello worms,

i'm awake early in the morning! hahah. went to Hakim house to watch mall cop just now. quite okay, I didn't sleep, desmond did. exams starts this friday, so I better hurry up and study hard for my maths and all.

soba ni ite, I wish.

jumps 8:48 AM;

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


lets start with today. woke up and went to meet hakim downstair his block. He was fixing the mikuni carb into norisha's bike. when he is done, we went to pasirris to meet Gilda and vivien, but halfway the engine died. so we push the bike to some void deck and he switched the carb to the standard one in like 10 mins. luckily he brought the standard one.

so we still manage to reach pasirris, slack awhile then they both went home. went back tamp to century square becasue hakim wanted to washss movie. changed our mind and went back to somewhere near my house. he washed the pipe then we go slack with keith&pearlyn all.

Oh ya, I got a new phone (: and I passed my prac1. lol

Yesterday was so fun (: Gilda sneaked out, go simpang all together. hahah

goodnight my friends. i'm going to tidok sekarang :D

I caught 11.11pm and 1.11am! hahah ;D

jumps 1:01 AM;

Thursday, August 6, 2009

hello world.

blogger is a fag.
I just finish my secsur presentation.
I am so tired. But,
I am so happy now ((:
because you just woke up.

jumps 2:29 AM;

Monday, July 27, 2009


jumps 1:14 PM;

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Went to 'celebrate' Junrong's birthday yesterday.

We met at 12pm, took train to Bedok, and had our lunch at LJS at Bedok interchange. After lunch we lepak awhile then we left for east coast park. Walked from the busstop to the bike rental shop which was quite far away! rented a stupid tandem bike, actually wanted to ride it with junrong but the girls dont dare to ride a tandem bike so Gilda tompang me.

So since I was at east coast I decided to give Nigel a call to see if he was nearby, turns out he is at marine parade so I met him at east coast. lepak with him awhile at some stone benches then went to 7eleven to buy drinks.

Lepak quite long until we all realised that every minute we are dropping 10cents for the bike. So we moved off and cycle to the end of east coast. It was quite boring along the way as it is normal cycling, I tried to front jack that thing, hahah. Listen songs, chat, try to not give my pillion a pedal bite by applying sudden pressure to the pedal. U-turned at the end of east coast and cycled all the way back to the rental shop.

After all the cycling, I was getting hungry so I suggested to go to parkway for our dinner. Had some scallop rice burger thing at MOSburger. After that we lepak (again) at the steps of parkwayparade. smoke and talk then someone suggested the mentos and coke recipe. So I tried to hold both of the ingredients in my mouth and the solution is producing gas at a fast pace so I spit out the coke and consumed my mentos. 5sec after I swalllowed the chew-up mentos My stomach felt weird and I realise I drank alot of coke at MOSburger. I was suddenly having a bad stomachache so I went to the toilet.

When I'm done, the rest decided to go play lan at houseofpool. Took freaking HALVES an hour to set-up/host/create the game, played for another hour. It was so fun especially when desmond is in my team. Vivien and Nigel left early so we are left with Junrong, Gilda, Me, Huat, Desmond Jiasen, Wenfeng and pearlyn&keith.

Took bus12 back to pasirris because the initial plan was to go prawning there. Turns out the prawns wasn't happy that night so we decided to go drinking at the pond@mangroveswamp. We all drank beer, so nobody got really wasted except for junrong who puked! I was high so did alot of stupid things to everyone. hahah. Played some games and before we knew it the beer was out! so we decided to go back already.

Cabbed to Gilda's house downstairs with junrong and Gilda of course. Junrong was died asleep and I was feeling abit giddy so I decided to lepak until my stomach felt better. I still high and felt like vomiting so I just try to hold my kick down. chat with Gilda until junrong woke up. Lepak awhile more then Junrong and me catch the first bus home.

Sorry for the superr wordy and longgg post. I didn't feel taking pictures. ahahah

jumps 11:59 PM;

Friday, July 17, 2009

seciously, (this is not a spelling error)


and junrong for smashing cake on my face - He bought it, so its actually a present too. Thanks!

and Eileen being the only one who actually gave my a present! - I like it so much! Thanks!

and Pearlyn&Keith (like Charles&Keith), Junrong, Desmond, Jin Huat and Gilda!
- For being part of the conspiracy. ThanksThanks

and Hafiz (the 18 punches) and Min who came to find me.

and the rest of the people who wished my happy birthday and all.

and the policeman that screened me at 11.50pm on my birthday and wished me too.

I'm am left alone to finish the rest of the Fire&LifeSafetyManagement stuff. which means I would not be able to get any sleep tonight ):

I broke my small toe.

perhaps not this time.

jumps 12:42 AM;

Monday, July 13, 2009

everyone is getting sick.

jumps 2:10 AM;

Saturday, June 27, 2009


I feel so energetic, slept at 8pm just woke up.

jumps 10:28 AM;

Monday, June 22, 2009

I love apple juice.

School is extremely boring today. Passed my emath2 termtest! Raymong wong is hospitalised, so there will be no irdd lesson this week and project presentation date postponed. yay! (to the no lesson part, not him being hospitalised)

I feel very weird recently, for the pass few days, everyday, I woke up without any aid like alarm clock or something at 6 to 7am even if I slept like 4am! If you didn't know, I'm a heavy sleeper so I won't wake up so early. And the fuckup thing is I can't fall back asleep after that! I'm going to die!! So for the past few days I have been making my own breakfast and reading the newspaper. I swear waiting for nutella to melt (my mum left it in the fridge!) takes forever!

I'm so feeling sleepy right now. bye.

jumps 4:18 PM;

Saturday, June 20, 2009

fuckmylife. just type out an entire post and suddenly everything just disappear.

jumps 12:04 PM;

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Uploaded by Fayc. - Explore more music videos.


jumps 6:08 PM;

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I'm in school now. class starts at 12 which I thought start at 8. fuck so i'm alone now. luckily I brought my lappy. hahah

This few days I have been fucking tired la. Because of work. I dont feel like working but for the sake of my dream I have no other option ):

I'm going to SHK now. byebye (:

so tired.

jumps 10:42 AM;


Johnathan quek
loves fly
bmx piyo piyo



Hui Min
Kiew Yuan